For 5785 High Holiday tickets or 2024-5 dues-donation: click here

To add names of your loved ones for Yizkor click here.



For up-to-date news on Makom Shalom Mitziut events you can also check the Facebook Page

With Rabbi Menachem Cohen, Anita Silvert, and Layni Myers


Friday, September 13, with Rabbi Menachem and Rhonda Levy Wehner at BUMC

Shabbat services, Friday August 2
At Loyola beach in rogers park

On Friday, August 2, at 7:00 pm we welcomed the arrival of Shabbat in the park by Loyola Beach. Rabbi Menachem and Rhonda Levy-Wehner will lead us.


PICNIC which wasnโ€™t in MILLENIUM PARK

The Makom Shalom Mitziut annual picnic scheduled for Saturday, July 13, at Millenium Park was rained out. We met at a restaurant in Edgewater instead. A convivial and fun time was had by all!


outdoors Shabbat services, Friday June 28
Moved indoors due to rain

On Friday, June 28, at 7:00 pm we welcomed the arrival of Shabbat at Loyola Beach Ascher and Marlaโ€™s house. Rabbi Menachem and Adam Gottleib led us.

Makom Shalom Mitziut celeberateD Shavout,
Tuesday Night, June 12
following the tradition of late-night Torah study and dairy food

Shavuot Evening: 7:00 PM at Beit Yichud
Tuesday, 11 June

We gathered in person (and on Zoom) for an evening of meditation, study, and ice cream.
All levels of knowledge and experience.
At Beit Yichud, 6932 N Glenwood Ave, Chicago

Shavuot Night: 12:30 AM - 1:15 AM on Zoom
Wedesday, 12 June (very early morning)

Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer, zโ€™l, taught that at chatzot, mid-night on Shavuot, the channels between us and the Divine are as open as they ever get. Chatzot is at 12:50am this year. 

Rabbi Menachem led us on Zoom in a meditation where we had an intimate conversation with the InfiniteEternal.

We gathered at 12:30am and started meditating at 12:45. A little after 1am there was time to process and schmooze.

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Sunday, June 23, 10:30 AM
Hosted by Joan Minsky

It is the 1930's, Ilana Davita is the daughter of mixed-marriage between a Jewish mother from Poland and an upper class old New England family father. Seeking constancy and comfort in an unsettling turbulent world, Davita takes up Judaism and her harp, while her parents plunge into social and political activism. It is a complex and moving saga.

Second night of Passover Community Seder.
An evening of communal Jewishness, complete with all the seder items, wry seder jokes, and of course good food. Thank you to all who attended! Tuesday, April 23.

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We explored the spiritual meanings of this ancient ritual which started as bringing a measure of Spring barley to the Temple in Jerusalem.

Counting the omer starts at Passover, and ends at Shavuot.
Most of us are not growing barley, and none of us are bringing barley to temples. But the practice persists, with daily meditations keyed to combinations of the different sefirot aspects of our being.

Shabbat Services
Friday, March 1, 7:30 PM
led by Rabbi Menachem and Layni Katz Myers
BUMC, 3338 N Broadway

We experienced Rabbi Menachemโ€™s funky Judaism
and Layniโ€™s unique vocal and musical stylings
The weekly Torah portion was Ki Tisa.
The Israelites build the tabernacle, they worship the golden calf, then Moses smashes the tablets.

We celebrated Purim, including Makom Shalom - Mitziut Merger Celebration
Saturday evening, March 23

โ€” The winning costume was Haman, dressed like Zorro with a wicked mustache.
โ€” The winning Hamantaschen were gluten-free.

โ€” The symbolic wedding was under a Tallit chuppah (see picture), with special versions of the blessings, smashing a styrofoam cup.


We celebrated Tu Bโ€™Shvat
The New Year of the Tree(s)
With a Conscious Eating Seder
January 24

Hosted by Makom Shalom Mitziut and Beit Yichud

Here is a great resource for said eating. B'te'avon!


Shiviti Drum Circle and Hanukkah
led by Al Goldberg
Sunday, Dec 10, 2:00 PM
Beit Yichud, 6932 N. Glenwood
Shviti Drum Circle on Facebook

โ€œWhen we drum, chant, dance, we may be able to create a confluence of Nefesh, Olam and Shanah and maybe, if we can can, experience a taste of unity, connection, oneness.โ€

Shabbat Services
Fridays: Dec. 15 and Jan. 19
led by Rabbi Menachem and Rhonda Levy-Wehner
BUMC, 3338 N Broadway

Hanukkah Party
with Maxwell Street Klezmer Quartet
Saturday evening, December 9

At Brookdale home, on Sheridan Road in Chicago

Discussion of Israel-Gaza war
led by Rabbi Chava Bahle
Sunday morning, December 10, 10:30 AM, a Zoom event
We processed our feelings and ideas about the conflict
and our relationship to it as Jews and as citizens of the the world.


For the 2023-24 year dues are an affordable sliding scale, for individuals and for families.
Information is on the membership page.


May 5784 be a good year for you!

We held High Holidays in conjunction with Mitziut.

Our second in-person high holidays since 2019, in collaboration with the Mitziut community.
Rabbi Menachem Cohen with Cantors Layni Katz-Myers and Anita Silvert led services, at BUMC.
Services were hybrid, simultaneously available over zoom

In addition to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur religious services, we had:
โ€” Rev. C.J. Hawking, of Arise Chicago, brought us up to date on justice for marginalized workers in Chicago. In accordance with the Yom Kippur parasha from Leviticus: You shall not defraud your fellow person. You shall not commit robbery. The wages of a laborer shall not remain with you until morning.
โ€” Ascher Levy led an experiential meditation on forgiveness.
โ€” We had a pre-yizkor remembrance event
โ€” The story of Jonah was hilariously rendered in verse, by Steve Herman

During High Holidays Rabbi Menachem led:
Labryinth Walk and Tashlich.

  • Slowly, meditatively, walking a labyrinth is a thousands of year old spiritual practice.
    Benedictine Sisters of St. Scholastica generously let us walk their labyrinth

  • Tashlich is the traditional Jewish ceremony of cleansing yourself of your transgressions, casting them into the water. At the lakefront near Greenleaf.

After High Holidays Maggid Al Goldberg hosted:

Sukkot Celebration: Welcoming The Ushpizin Meditation

We met in the sukkah to engage in the ritual of Welcoming The Ushpizin (The Holy Guests) with a guided meditative experience based on the Hebrew Archetypes of the Sephirot and acknowledging that these holy guests, both male and female, are with us at all times.

Selected Makom Shalom events during the past year:

We had our Makom Shalom COMMUNITY SEDER
2nd Night of Passover, April 6, at BUMC., led by Rabbi Menachem Cohen.

It was a Pesach evening filled with spirituality, conviviality, good food, and quite a bit of wry humor from Makom Shalomโ€™s haggadah. Joined by Rev. Alka Lyall and congregants from Broadway United Methodist Church, as well as members of the Mitziut community.

Shabbat by the Beach (in the park)

Twice! Friday August 4 and June 30.
Rabbi Menachem and Rhonda Levy-Wehner
Lakefront east of Greenleaf in Rogers Park

We had our Makom Shalom Annual Picnic, Saturday, July 29 Millennium Park.

Meeting and schmoozing with people we havenโ€™t seen in a while. Followed by Grant Park Orchestra and Chorus concert of Broadway music.

We celebrated ๐—ฆ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐˜‚๐—ผ๐˜, Friday evening May 26.

Shavuot is the festival for when the Torah was gifted to the Jewish people and all humanity.
We all brought a Bit of Bible. It was a variety from the sublime (the commandments to forgive debts and take care of the needy) to the opposite (the story of Abraham, Pharaoh, and Sarah used as property).

Shabbat Services with Rabbi Menachem Cohen and Layni Katz Myers
Saturday morning, May 13, at Broadway United Methodist Church
In-person and on zoom.
Warm and wonderful.

Ascher Levy led The Four Worlds and Shabbat
Finding and experiencing the spirituality within Shabbat morning prayers.
The World(s) according to Rabbis Rachel Barenblat and Marcia Prager
Sunday, March 26 on zoom.
Part 2 is coming up.

Shabbat evening service at BUMC
led by Menachem Cohen and Rhonda Levy-Wehner
Friday, April 28 at BUMC

From traditional nigguns to bouncy modern melodies, Rhonda Levy-Wehner moved us through states of happiness and prayerfulness.

We had Shabbat Morning Service at BUMC
Saturday, March 11
Led by Rabbi Menachem Cohen and Cantor Layni Katz Myers
It was so wonderful to sing along with Layni

Shabbat service and social action program on homelessness
Friday, February 17, Led by Dr. Steve Rothschild
We learned about the Bring Chicago Home initiative to increase government policy responses to homelessness, and also how our own person conduct could be aligned with the rules laid out in the weekโ€™s Torah portion.

Rabbi Menachem Cohen led a
Tu Bishvat Seder
at BUMC and on Zoom.
The birthday for trees: a spiritual metaphor and an intensely
practical part of all that is good in the world.

Shabbat evening service at BUMC led by Menachem Cohen and Anita Silvert
A Renewal service with Rabbi Cohenโ€™s kind and humanistic drash
and Anita Silvertโ€™s homey and participatory music.
Simultaneously broadcast on zoom.

Torah study at BUMC: Parashat Re-eh.

Reva Freedman led the discussion on parashat Re-eh, a truly juicy portion. Moses gives the Israelites instructions on many issues, including those pertaining to idol worship (forbidden), the laws of kashrut (no blood!), tithes on produce, treatment of slaves, and pilgrimage festivals. We finished with a blessing for the month of Elul, followed by a prayer for healing and Kaddish. And then the traditional hearing of the first blowing of the shofar.

Simchat Torah 5783 at BUMC
Encountering both the text of the Torah and a physical Torah itself.
Everybody had a chance to read a few words from the scrolls.
Led by Reva Freedman

Antisemitism in the Modern Context

Ruth Kaan led a discussion of antisemitism in our modern world.
People related their own experiences with the sometimes amusing, sometimes quite disturbing, ways they have encountered non-Jewish attitudes towards Jews.


Book and Movie Club

Recent movie club discussion: Disobedience
led by Ruth Kaan.
A woman returns to the observant community in London she grew up in, for her fatherโ€™s funeral, and stays with old friends.

Recent book club: Mr. Perfect on Paper by Jean Meltzer.
Dara Rabinowitz, daughter and grandaughter of Jewish match-makers,
is the successful entrepreneur founder of online dating site J-Mate.
Not that sheโ€™s had a lot of success in her dating life.
led by Linda Touchstone

Predecessor book: The Lost Shtetl by Max Gross
A story of a Jewish town in the forests of Poland, left alone by
modern world for nearly a hundred years. Until they were found!
Which turned out to be a mixed blessing.


Music, Jewish learning, and schmoozing with your Makom Shalom community: all very traditional ways to celebrate the holidays


Makom is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, donations and membership dues are tax-deductible.


For both visitors and members, Makom Shalom is a place of deep and abiding hope that inspires us to be our best selves. Our services will elevate you at the end of a long work week, with song, meditation, and prayer.  

Our synagogue shares a commitment to Chicago and to racial and economic justice in our city. We do this work as a Jewish, spiritual practice in deep partnership with other faiths. This is how we honor Tikkun Olam, healing the world.


What makes Makom Shalom special?
Our members use these words to explain!

What makes Makom Shalom Special?

About Makom

Click here to learn more about our community, mission, and advocacy work.

โ€œWhoever you are, whomever you love, whatever your traditions, we welcome you.โ€